Shop Small Feature – Freddie Fox and Co

Hey! My name’s Clare and I’m mum to Adam 18, Rhys 14 & Freddie who is 3. I’ve been married to Simon for 19 years, god that makes me sound really old 😅
We recently just moved and now loving village life in East Yorkshire! 

What made you want to start your own business?

I first had the idea of setting my own business up whilst I was pregnant with Freddie, having gone back to work after 3 months with his younger brothers I felt I’d missed so much of them growing up. All those firsts I didn’t get to see just because I was working so I thought what could I do from home which would enable me to to be with him and to be also there for my older boys when they needed me too?
I was then a teaching assistant at a small village primary. I’ve always had a love of art and design so I decided that starting with something simple like bibs, teethers and blankets would be perfect seeing as I’d be using them myself!

Clare with her youngest Freddie

How did you start?

When Freddie was 3 months old I set up an Etsy shop, Facebook page and insta. I registered with HMRC, got my insurance and I was off on my small biz journey. Over the next few weeks I met virtually, the most amazing ladies on the gram, I found my very first reps, some of which are still with 3 years on. They supported me through the beginnings of this adventure and encouraged me to push myself Into making clothing. From that moment I’ve never looked back. I taught myself to make clothes and went on a sewing night class. I was totally focused on my goal! 

Collage of colourful Freddie Fox and Co makes

By January 2018 is was getting a bit restless with what I was making so had a good chat with some of my team about wanting to change direction with ffnco. I wanted to be very different, I noticed there was so much monochrome, blacks, greys and whites or pastels. Not enough colour, not enough bright, bold and unique prints and plain fabrics. This is when I dreamed up what you now know as ffnco. I focused on the plain colours at first, sourcing the best thicker Jersey in all the colours of the rainbow. Some of my reps even designed some pieces of clothing in the collection (there’s 2 blogs about that on the website!) another helped me create my website. “Colour your adventure” was born and I’ve not looked back!

Clare’s three boys

Late 2018 I focused on the Eco range, I had bags and bags of scraps of my fancy fabric and wanted to use them not throw them! I decided to research CSP’s (cloth Sanitary Pads) and how to make them. I tried them myself and spoke to people who’d make the swap and wow I’ve never looked back. I guarantee if you make the swap you won’t be disappointed. I also added reusable rounds, breast pads, wipes and Sustainasponges.

What/who inspires you?

This is a tricky one, there are many who have driven me to do what I do and to not give up when things get tough. Over the last 3 years I have met some very strong families through running my blog on the website and also through having reps. Many of them are strong inspirational women who have been through so much  but are very focused on moving forward and having goals that they strive towards. These amazing people are who I look up to.

What is/are your favourite tool/tools and what does your workspace look like?

Ooh well this is an exciting one because as I am typing this the brand new workspace in the garage is being completed! Like many small biz’s I started on the dining table, having family meals were a thing of the past as moving my sewing machines each time we ate a meal became more and more difficult! My love of the IKEA Kallax is strong, I have 24 cubes full of fabric, admin and patterns so my family will be very very happy once I’ve moved to my she cave next month! I couldn’t be without my sewing machine and overlocker, my rotary cutter and cutting mat and of course my rainbow thread. 

What are the positives/negatives of having your own creative business – any pearls of wisdom?

Now i’m not going to lie running your own biz is bloody hard work. Since becoming self employed full time it has been pretty lonely having no adult conversation during the day apart from nursery drop off and pick up times. I do of course have friends in my phone on insta who I chat to every day, and I have made some lovely friends on there. I never knew how hard being self employed would be, the hours you have to put in, Coming up with fresh ideas etc. BUT all of that is out weighed by the positives which for me are being there for my boys when they need me, not worrying who can look after them if I’m working and being my own boss I decide when I work! My advice if you are thinking of starting out running your own biz would be to get yourself a mama gang, chat to other small businesses and remember to treat those customers how you would like to be treated.

You can find Clare on the Freddie Fox and Co website, instagram and Facebook