
Getting past a creative block and the effects of Lockdown

When lockdown kicked off at the end of March in the UK I tried to keep positive and initially believed that losing all of my childcare(three days at nursery and my mum visiting once a week) for my two year old, and my whole support network (including my husband) would just dent the time I had to work on designs, and nothing more.

“Hey I can work evenings? I can train my toddler to play independently for a couple of hours a day right?”

Hugely naive. Yes we built a routine that meant I had dedicated design time, but I was really terrible at being efficient with that time, I got creative block a lot, my mental health was suffering, and design projects took me a great deal longer than I expected.

My clients were really understanding of me extending deadlines, but it didn’t stop stressing me out. Designing used to relieve my stress, calm my nerves, put me in that happy place, but now it was too hard to come up with my best ideas. I wasn’t looking after myself, and I lost my creative mojo entirely. At about this time I also lost a close family member and that just pushed me over the edge into shutting down any design work until I could see a way back to designing.

I came to understand that focusing on pleasure projects that had nothing to do with paid work would be the key to pulling out of this hole I’d fallen in. I scanned instagram for a drawing challenge that would ignite my passion again, and started following the hash tag #drawthisinyourstylechallenge to find a suitable project.

This teacup illustration drew me in, and I loved sketching out my take on it. 

Whilst I was drawing it a whole bunch of other ideas came to the surface, and inspired a few new illustrations and surface patterns one of which you’ll see below(do we see a theme developing?!). This particular surface pattern was for a client I’d been wanting to work for for ages, and having her contact me off of the back of a fun “just for me” illustration, was really uplifting, and gave me the confidence to pursue other passion projects.

Ultimately once I got my support network back designing started to feel more natural, ideas flowed more freely. I am concerned about another lockdown happening, but in the mean time I won’t be taking for granted going to my favourite workspace in town, seeing and having conversations with other adults, and having the freedom to leave the house by myself!

And anyone else suffering from creative block, I’d suggest taking care of yourself first and foremost – go for a run, a walk, a bath, read a book. Seems simple things, but if you aren’t rested or feel good about yourself creating just feels impossible. Once you feel a little better, try doing something fun and creative just for your pleasure and I guarantee it will open up other ideas.

What have you done to get yourself out of a creative block? How have you found the lockdown for effecting your creative abilities?  And just for fun – see below for a design I got stuck on and couldn’t see a way forward with at the start of lockdown, and the now finished design post lockdown.

All the COLOUR Spoonflower Upcycle project

Over the past couple of years I’ve been trying to move towards a more environmentally friendly way of living. I regularly upcycle items of clothing that no longer fit me into a pair of toddler leggings or a draw string bag(so many uses) and I stumbled across a package of fabric samples that I just couldn’t bring myself to throw away. These were from spoonflower to show what their different fabrics looked and felt like – the rainbow spots were an immediate draw for me, and I decided I had to make something with them.

It was quite time consuming sewing them together but once I had I was inspired to find all my other lovely fabric scraps that would match this rainbow theme and create for myself a great little crochet needle or colouring pouch. As the pattern was so simple I wasn’t too worried about having used a bunch of scraps sewn together as the base

Above is the back of the pouch and the vibrant fabrics were from @flipflopfabricshop – some beautiful @dashwoodstudio pretties in there, added to some felt scraps from previous projects

Using our new rainbow pouch for colouring supplies

We love having something versatile we can use for our colouring supplies and didn’t have anything to store them for on the go, so I’m really happy with this make. It’s definitely not the most tidy or precise project I’ve ever completed, but I learnt a lot and will definitely be making another, as it’s also a perfect size for crochet needles or other craft supplies – let me know in the comments if you would make something like this or if you would like the pattern that I made 🙂

Shop Small Feature – Freddie Fox and Co

Hey! My name’s Clare and I’m mum to Adam 18, Rhys 14 & Freddie who is 3. I’ve been married to Simon for 19 years, god that makes me sound really old 😅
We recently just moved and now loving village life in East Yorkshire! 

What made you want to start your own business?

I first had the idea of setting my own business up whilst I was pregnant with Freddie, having gone back to work after 3 months with his younger brothers I felt I’d missed so much of them growing up. All those firsts I didn’t get to see just because I was working so I thought what could I do from home which would enable me to to be with him and to be also there for my older boys when they needed me too?
I was then a teaching assistant at a small village primary. I’ve always had a love of art and design so I decided that starting with something simple like bibs, teethers and blankets would be perfect seeing as I’d be using them myself!

Clare with her youngest Freddie

How did you start?

When Freddie was 3 months old I set up an Etsy shop, Facebook page and insta. I registered with HMRC, got my insurance and I was off on my small biz journey. Over the next few weeks I met virtually, the most amazing ladies on the gram, I found my very first reps, some of which are still with 3 years on. They supported me through the beginnings of this adventure and encouraged me to push myself Into making clothing. From that moment I’ve never looked back. I taught myself to make clothes and went on a sewing night class. I was totally focused on my goal! 

Collage of colourful Freddie Fox and Co makes

By January 2018 is was getting a bit restless with what I was making so had a good chat with some of my team about wanting to change direction with ffnco. I wanted to be very different, I noticed there was so much monochrome, blacks, greys and whites or pastels. Not enough colour, not enough bright, bold and unique prints and plain fabrics. This is when I dreamed up what you now know as ffnco. I focused on the plain colours at first, sourcing the best thicker Jersey in all the colours of the rainbow. Some of my reps even designed some pieces of clothing in the collection (there’s 2 blogs about that on the website!) another helped me create my website. “Colour your adventure” was born and I’ve not looked back!

Clare’s three boys

Late 2018 I focused on the Eco range, I had bags and bags of scraps of my fancy fabric and wanted to use them not throw them! I decided to research CSP’s (cloth Sanitary Pads) and how to make them. I tried them myself and spoke to people who’d make the swap and wow I’ve never looked back. I guarantee if you make the swap you won’t be disappointed. I also added reusable rounds, breast pads, wipes and Sustainasponges.

What/who inspires you?

This is a tricky one, there are many who have driven me to do what I do and to not give up when things get tough. Over the last 3 years I have met some very strong families through running my blog on the website and also through having reps. Many of them are strong inspirational women who have been through so much  but are very focused on moving forward and having goals that they strive towards. These amazing people are who I look up to.

What is/are your favourite tool/tools and what does your workspace look like?

Ooh well this is an exciting one because as I am typing this the brand new workspace in the garage is being completed! Like many small biz’s I started on the dining table, having family meals were a thing of the past as moving my sewing machines each time we ate a meal became more and more difficult! My love of the IKEA Kallax is strong, I have 24 cubes full of fabric, admin and patterns so my family will be very very happy once I’ve moved to my she cave next month! I couldn’t be without my sewing machine and overlocker, my rotary cutter and cutting mat and of course my rainbow thread. 

What are the positives/negatives of having your own creative business – any pearls of wisdom?

Now i’m not going to lie running your own biz is bloody hard work. Since becoming self employed full time it has been pretty lonely having no adult conversation during the day apart from nursery drop off and pick up times. I do of course have friends in my phone on insta who I chat to every day, and I have made some lovely friends on there. I never knew how hard being self employed would be, the hours you have to put in, Coming up with fresh ideas etc. BUT all of that is out weighed by the positives which for me are being there for my boys when they need me, not worrying who can look after them if I’m working and being my own boss I decide when I work! My advice if you are thinking of starting out running your own biz would be to get yourself a mama gang, chat to other small businesses and remember to treat those customers how you would like to be treated.

You can find Clare on the Freddie Fox and Co website, instagram and Facebook

We Rise by Lifting Others

I still pinch myself regularly that I get to follow my passion and run my own business, Bear and Goose Designs success is entirely down to the great community of followers and fellow makers and designers that choose to support me by liking, commenting and commissioning me to make surface patterns or custom illustrations.

I love supporting my fellow work at home mums by choosing them to make unique pieces for myself and my little one using the surface patterns I’ve designed. Paying back into these small businesses just gives me such a happiness boost over choosing mass produced items. It will likely cost more to shop this way, however by shopping more consciously and buying second hand and up cycling items I already have allows me to squeeze my budget to allow for these handmade treats. The same goes for toys, I’ve always been a bargain hunter, but I really love finding second hand items for my little one, as it appeals to my eco conscience and allows for the occasional handmade wooden toy like Rainbow Ned above.

So I’m hosting a giveaway this week, starting tomorrow to challenge you other handmade fans to share your favourite items from the makers that you’d love everyone to know about in the lead up to Christmas. Head over to the bear and goose designs instagram and keep your eyes peeled for the announcement. Instead of spending your hard earned cash with a large store where that money will be a drop in the ocean, consider shopping small, where it will mean so much more. And if you’d like some ideas – search instagram with the hashtag #showusyourhandmade for the challenge entries.

I’m really looking forward to seeing all the entries!!

Drop me a comment here if you find any new makers you love, I’d love to see who’s being discovered.

Whoop New Website!

Yaaaay! Welcome to the new website for Bear and Goose Designs. I’m loving having a space to show what Bear and Goose has achieved since the beginning in June 2018.

I’m currently busy beavering away on surface patterns for some lovely small businesses, but once those are complete I’ll be taking a break to start making some headway on a children’s book I want to bring to life via a crowdfunder. Over the next couple of months I’ll be revealing the storyline behind this book I want to create, along with some glimpses of the artwork I’m creating. So looking forward to bringing this to life!!

Also excited to announce the beginning of a regular Guest blog post on this platform that will showcase small businesses that inspire me, as I just love hearing how people make the leap to running their own creative business, the problems encountered, what their creative spaces look like. If you would like to be featured or you have a small business you would like to recommend, do please let me know. I love collaborating and supporting other small businesses, and I believe this is a lovely way to do it.

Please see below for a snapshot of some of those small businesses that either support me by commissioning me to design for them, or that I just find inspiring – there are so many more that I will mention in time. All of them super hard working Mums that are basically superwomen in my eyes. Go give them a follow on insta or facebook

The lovely Clare @freddiefox_andco will be starting off our first small business feature blog, and I’m so looking forward to hearing her business story and seeing what her creative space looks like! Watch out at the end of November for the feature on Clare’s hand made children’s clothing business.