Ned | King of The Skies

After the success of “Ned’s Grand Quest” Rudi and Bear approached me to illustrate their second book idea “Ned | King of The Skies”. I loved the story’s message of getting children to work together to save their environment and look after our planet. The story begins with Earth, Sun and Moon Ned arguing about who is most important, and ends with them coming to agree they must work together to ensure the health of the planet.

I worked closely with Deltor(the print firm I worked for as Graphic Designer) to create the book, ensuring spine width, cover and page content fitted perfectly. My previous experience working for Deltor has meant I can create a book from start to finish. In December 2020 I was able to watch the books rolling off the binder and brought Ned to watch over the process

If you would like to commission me for your children’s book idea, feel free to get in touch via