Ned’s Grand Quest

Ned's Grand Quest childrens book

In May 2019 I was chosen by Rudi and Bear to illustrate their first book – “Ned’s Grand Quest” written by Lucy Brown which is a 32 page children’s book. My previous experience working in the print firm Deltor meant I was able to illustrate and arrange the artwork for print, overseeing its completion and make any tweaks to the final artwork.

Please see below for examples of some of those initial sketches through to Ned in print.

Ned’s Grand Quest

Being so close by to my printers in Cornwall, I was able to watch Ned roll off the printers, which was a great moment.

Watching Ned’s Grand Quest come off the binder

Ned’s Grand Quest is available direct from Rudi and Bear and has been well received by little ones since it was self published, check out Rudi and Bear’s instagram for the latest Ned news

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